{the story of a girl}

Friday, August 25, 2006

{i'm officially thirty}

And, believe it or not, I'm okay with it!

It has been a wonderful morning. I walked out my front door to a package from my wondreful crew of friends and a huge bouquet of balloons (I LOVE balloons). Then, when I picked up Erin for work, she and Justin presented me with a very large hot pink feather boa, "diamond" tiara, and earrings I have to wear tonight when we go to Vegas. I wore the boa driving to work and it was hilarious watching people 'rubberneck' to look at me. As if my car isn't conspicious enough, now there's a crazy woman wearing a hot pink boa at 7am driving!

At work, I opened the package my very funny mother sent me last week and forbade me to open. I'm pretty sure it was her idea of torturing me. She also sent some cute cards and some serious cash (THANKS 'RENTS)! A co-worker gave me a lunch pail full of my favorite candy, some markers, notepads, and, the best, a pair of red sparkly devils horns. I wonder if they'll clash with the tiara?

All in all it's been a wonderful day. And it's just beginning. Vegas is going to be a riot tonight. Woo-hoo!


Blogger k said...

Enjoy Vegas!! Hey-you made out better on gifts than I did!! Happy Birthday!!

9:41 PM


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