{the story of a girl}

Monday, April 20, 2009

Changing My Mind

It's a women's prerogative to change her mind, right? Well, that is exactly what I have done. Friday of last week I was close to purchasing a three bedroom, two bath house in Queen Creek. This evening, I will be signing the paperwork to purchase a two bedroom, two bath new construction townhouse in East Mesa.

I've given this decision a lot of thought and realized that location is truly the most important thing for me right now. I'll only be three miles southeast from my current location. Plus, I won't have to worry about a yard (I haven't had a yard for 6 years, I'm not going to miss it now). I'll have only a one-car garage, instead of two, but with plenty of extra storage space in the garage and the rest of the house. It's a two-story house but all my living space is on the second floor. This house is 1000 square feet smaller than QC house but the rooms are bigger. And I get a walk in kitchen pantry and an honest-to-goodness linen closet.

The best part? I get to go to the design studio and pick out EVERYTHING: cabinets, counter tops, carpet, flooring, light fixtures, faucets, appliances...it is all going to be to my taste. I am nervous that I'll get carried away, so I will take along trusted advisers who will reel me in if I get too out of control.

When I move in in mid-August, the home will be brand-spanking new (and smell like it) with no one else's "funk" (that expression courtesy of my realtor- and I love it) to spoil the atmosphere. Right now, it almost seems to good to be true, but I know it's not.

Finally, something that is going to be all mine.


Blogger Nikki said...

There's something awesome about sitting on a brand new toilet seat and knowing no one else's butt has been there! Congrats!!

1:02 PM


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