{the story of a girl}

Monday, September 12, 2005

{10 memories from school}

In no particular order:

1) Getting sent to the principals office in third grade for calling the teacher a "dummy"
2) Spitting out "Moby the Dick" instead of Moby Dick in history class
3) Getting smacked by some jackhole during the Grease production my junior year
4) Going off campus for lunch (and getting speeding tickets, reprimanded by the cops, etc.)
5) Read-a-thon's in elementary school (I'd curl up in the little cubbies and be set for the entire day)
6) Book fairs and the Scholastic book order forms
7 ) Halloween at Kanesville Elementary School. They'd turn off the lights in the cafeteria and play a spooky sounds soundtrack and serve chili. Then we'd have a costume parade.
8) My performance in drama of the monologue I wrote about Jim
9) Field trips and getaways (Los Angeles, Purgatory, etc.)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Those are some great memories! And you brought back some good ones for me too. I guess it's easier to remember the painful ones, but yours reminded me of some of my good ones too. thanks!

12:40 PM

Blogger SuburbanMom said...

Cool :)

12:51 PM

Blogger Stephanie said...

Ah, those Scholastic book forms. I remember always wanting them ALL.

3:26 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

oh man i love those scholastic book order forms! still do!!

7:07 PM


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