Keep Calm...
Today, these images are soothing the beast in me who wants to fly off the handle at every person who approaches me. Hmph...
Someday, when I own that farmhouse in the country, there will be a seating area by the barn that looks exactly like this.
Provided I can persuade my boss to give me six weeks off next summer to study abroad, this is where I'll be. (Yes, Nik, I expect you to join me.)
This image reminds me so much of home and where I want to end up in my life. It truly calms me down as I remember summers spent out-of-doors, running through fields and camping under the stars. Simple summers in the country and good old-fashioned fun. I stole this from The Farm Chicks website...which, if you haven't been there, you must go. The site is replete with ideas, recipes, etc. on simple country living. And their (her?) big antique show in Spokane every June? Yep, it's on my bucket list.
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