{bella beetle}
Introducing my new addition...
{the story of a girl}
Despite the fact that I pick up my new Beetle convertible in less than three hours, I'm feeling blah today. Yucky. I've been trying so hard lately to stay positive and "up" and, frankly, I'm sick of it. I really just want to sink into the depths of introspection and wallow in whatever emotions I find there.
I FINALLY found, at a resonable price, the dust ruffle to match my Eddie Bauer denim bedding that has been discontinuted. Yay!
Lately, I cannot stop thinking of the coast. Living by, or better yet on, the beach. Driving a convertible. Learning how to surf. I don't want to live in So Cal, but rather somewhere in the PNW. Or even Hawaii; I wouldn't be opposed to that.
Yep, I'm sick and need help.
And I'm thinking I might want me one of these...but what color? Blue or green?
It's almost that time of year...summer blockbuster season! I love it. Living in the middle of the desert, the movie theatre is one the best forms of entertainment when the temperature hits 115. This summer is providing a plethora of new options. Such as....
Already making plans for the release of The DaVinci Code. I hope the movie can live up to the hype, not to mention the precedence set by the book.
And Captain Jack is back for POTC 2. Yep, gotta take my dad to see that one. POTC is one of the very few movies he will watch more than once.
And who can resist Hugh Jackman as Wolverine (even if the hair cut has got to go)?
Every year about this time I get bit by the "cowgirl bug". It's that little bug that reminds me that, try as I might, I can take the girl out of the country but I can't take the country out of the girl. THIS GIRL. And I don't want to. As much as I enjoy the city, I love the country more. There is something so comforting about being in the great outdoors that soothes my soul. I suppose that growing up camping, fishing, racing horses, etc. has had a small effect on me.
Aricle at ivillage.com
Saturday, at Barnes & Noble, I found the premiere issue of Junk Market Style. Love this. So many great ideas. I will probably never use any of them because I'm lazy, but oh well. This weekend, I also finished Angels & Demons by Dan Brown of The DaVinci Code notoriety. Great book. Besides running a few errands on Saturday, all I did was read this novel. I love how both of Dan Brown's novels draw on history to make the fantastic elements of his work seem less "far-fetched".