I'm broken. I've been this way for a while but the reality of what it means to be broken is catching up to me. Day in and day out, I've been numb...putting on a show. I laugh and smile and go about my day, but I have no emotion. This past week with my family I began to feel again and it hurt like hell. In a heart-to-heart with my father, he pointed out that I am bitter and making life difficult for those around me (especially guys). He also said what everyone else thinks shouldn't matter- I am who I am. When I told him I just "give up", he responded with, "That's not what a Manning does." So simple. So true.
And yet and I can't remember how to open up and give anymore. I'm selfish and stubborn and so very closed off. The fear of letting anyone in, even a little, makes me seal myself shut faster than a plate of cookies disappears at a Weight Watcher's meeting. I want to love again but the fear of losing someone else makes me almost sick to my stomach.
What it boils down to is that I'm broken and damaged. And maybe I really do need more help than the mall or a pint of ice cream can offer.